Lewis Ryan

Name: Lewis Ryan

DOB: 24/03/1992

Hometown: London

Sport: Ultra Running

Someone who didn’t like running, and now doesn’t like not running. I also run a beer business, which has its perks, but my coach wouldn’t agree…

Get to know Lewis

Tell us about your successes so far?

I’ve won quite a few races around the UK from 50km up to 100mi, most notably some EnduranceLife CTS Ultras and the Beacons Way Ultra, which also got me an accidental FKT of a national trail! I’m also chuffed to have finished 90th at UTMB and run a 2:35 marathon at London in 2022.

What are you working on? What are your goals for the future?

My main goal for the next few years is to get back to UTMB and move up the results list. In the meantime, I’m running the South Downs Way 50 in April, UTS 100k in May and the Kullamannen 100mi in November. Between all of that I’m also going to become a father this year!

Why do you run? What do you love about running?

I love the headspace that running puts me in. I don’t have to think about anything other than what I’m doing in that moment. Aside from that, I love the measurable progression and friendly competition that it brings too (with myself as much as with others!).

Which Scarpa shoe is your favourite?

The Golden Gate Kima. They strike the perfect balance of giving you great responsiveness and propulsion, as well as being very trustworthy on more technical ground.

Tell us about your best day running?

Living in London, I relish the little time I get to spend long days in the mountains. One day that sticks out to me was when I did the ‘Jez Bragg Classic’ – up and down Snowdon 4 ways. It was a gruelling 7 hours in howling winds and freezing rain, and I came off that mountain absolutely beaming.

What do you do away from your sport?

I am a co-founder and MD of a craft beer subscription company – brewser. It’s a new take on a beer subscription, which works out a lot better for both breweries and craft beer drinkers! And yes, beer and running can go well together!

Where is your #NoPlacetooFar?

I would love to do a silly long-distance challenge one day like cycle around the world, walk across Europe or canoe the Yukon. One day…

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